Expectations of Parents and Adults

Expectations of troop 204 parents or adults:

1. Support the boys in the BSA and Troop 204 expectations
2. Ensure the boy is in Class A as required and is on time for outings
3. Each parent should have a job with the troop
4. Help pitch in on tasks to make the troop run better
5. Can and should attend trips with the troop, but remember:
          1. He is not your son on the outing, he is my scout
          2. Let your son do his own thing
          3. Be prepared to be assigned to a different patrol than your son
          4. May need to assist the ASM’s as needed
6. Volunteer for BOR’s – training is provided free of charge
7. Join the troop as a committee member or ASM
8. Work with your son on advancement – give him encouragement
9. Let the merit badge counselors do their thing, be one for others