
The Boy Scout moves through various ranks on his path to Eagle.  Each advancement requires that the Scout become more skilled in his ability to help himself and to help others.  For an outline of the requirements necessary to achieve an advancement, please click the desired rank below:

While striving for advancement Scouts earn merit badges.  There are over 100 merit badges to be earned including 15 that can be earned toward the requirement for Eagle.  Eagle-required merit badges include:

  1. First Aid
  2. Citizenship in the Community
  3. Citizenship in the Nation
  4. Citizenship in the World
  5. Communications
  6. Personal Fitness
  7. Emergency Preparedness OR Lifesaving
  8. Environmental Science
  9. Personal Management
  10. Swimming OR Hiking OR Cycling
  11. Camping
  12. Family Life

The Boy Scouts of America website contains information about additional awards, including elective Merit Badges.

The road to Eagle requires the completion of an Eagle project and official application to the council.

Are you interested in serving as a merit badge counselor?  Complete the Merit Badge Counselor application and turn in to Lu Little.